zondag 11 december 2011

On Privacy, Data Protection and Anonymity

The value of internet for the emancipation of peoples has reached a high water mark in 2011. Uprisings in North Africa have shown its value for the rest of Africa, the Middle and Far East. I was honoured by several invitations to join think tank discussions on enhancing and also appreciating the value that internet has. It brought me to considerations on the protection of people's privacy on-line. Privacy or anonymity?

vrijdag 2 december 2011

Save by using old hard- and software Blog 3. Greening hardware life-cycle

Recycling IT hardware is a bad idea. Using and refurbishing old hardware with new software will save you considerably, as I pointed out in two previous blogs, Buying IT second hand and Extending hardware life-cycle. It might however also 'green' your IT actions, saving the environment! How? Read on.

zondag 20 november 2011

Printing tax money for free: the license

Gifts to a charity are deductible from your business tax. Whoever prints a software license on paper can deduct the full software license list price as well. Read on and shiver ...

zaterdag 24 september 2011

bicycle becomes buycycle

Schools force parents to buy named bicycle brands. In The Netherlands many schools allow only specific brands on their property. Other bicycles are not allowed in the neighbourhood.

dinsdag 13 september 2011

How closed source IT gets access to Dutch parliament

Dutch Senate (Eerste Kamer) MPs get iPads to use at work, contrary blandly to their commitment to start using more open technology. Do they really understand the issue?

woensdag 24 augustus 2011

How Data Protection Commissioners fight a lost, former war on Google Streetview

The privacy or data protection bodies in Europe and elsewhere are fighting Google for collecting WiFi router's addresses and names while taking Streetview pictures. They seem unable to see that Google does not need Streetview any more for this purpose.

dinsdag 16 augustus 2011

Mobile internet and why it shook the C in ICT

In The Netherlands the communications incumbent KPN (Telecom) and its multinational followers like Vodafone and T-Mobile have found a new cash-cow, they think. Mobile internet. Well, think again friends, because it may be your demise.

zondag 7 augustus 2011

Save by using old hard- and software Blog 2. Extending hardware life-cycle

The world is changing so fast and technology even faster, you just need new hardware to keep up. Look at how smart modern kids are! Well, have I got news for you.

donderdag 21 juli 2011

Save by using old hard- and software Blog 1. Buying IT second hand

Organisations confronted with less financial room might choose to save money on IT by using old or second hand hard- and software. It seems an obvious choice, like a second hand truck. There are however some additional software glitches to take into account.

maandag 7 maart 2011

To EPD or is it me?

The sorry story of how a well meant government project in The Netherlands goes awry. Just this month a letter from the national government, ministry of Public Health, Well-being and Sport (Ministerie van VWS) came with the mail.